alebo biely sveter po druhé ale už v lepšej nálade 😉 Dnes som mala neskutočnú chuť na tieto šaty, sú z rifľoviny, sú svetlo modré a dosť hrubé. Šaty už mali svoju premiéru TU ale teraz by sa vám chceli predviesť v jesennom prevedení 🙂
or white sweater part second but with better mood 😉 Today I had taste for this dress from denim, light blue. Dress had its premiere HERE but now it wants to show you in autumn look 😉
or white sweater part second but with better mood 😉 Today I had taste for this dress from denim, light blue. Dress had its premiere HERE but now it wants to show you in autumn look 😉
takže na vyčarovanie dobrej nálady stačí:/ from your good mood we need:
1) vintage demin dress
2) favorite peach blazer from your own “collection”
3) vintage belt from your mom
4) if you don´t have your own collection you can use sweater from secondhand ;))
5) black pantyhose
+ of course SMS from your boyfriend and good music
dress: Asos, belt: vintage blazer: Ivana Klepáčová |
Krásny slnečný deň Vám prajem
Have a nice sunny day
Mom Fashion World
That's a cute dress! it goes along with your neutral blazer.
But what i really like the most is your smile 🙂
vies ako dlho zhanam podobne saty? raz mali podobne v HM, ale som to nestihla a ako pozeram nestihla som tieto saty ani na ASOS-e 🙁 fakt krasne satky, hned by som ich vedela zuzitkovat 🙂
Michelle Wan
hi there check out my blog would love u to follow it if u like and im having a Gucci giveaway
hope to hear from u soon
velmi pekné šatočky=)
Ivana Klepáčová
Ďakujem /thanks 🙂
óó tie šaty su dobré ! a pristanú ti 🙂
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