I love one-piece swimwear Victoria Secret 2011 source: victoriassecret.com and this one will be my 🙂 vintage swimweare source: queensofvintage.com sold for £65,000 source: news.sky.com KLEPI
Lady GaGa for i-d magazine source: lady Gaga for i-D magazine2011 photo by mariano vivanco
Kate&Pippa royal wedding 1981 the official royal wedding photography Klepi
present from my friend from Prague Klepi
2010 my vision 2009 Audrey Hepburn dress sewed my mom and the winner is …. “the best costume” 2008 back to the 80 ´s Klepi
blue striped flowers neon colors balet left: from Gran Canaria from my best friend right: from Paris ♥ spring 2011 is full of flowers and colors
Slovakia goooo!
Anna Dello Russo – she ist amazing J´AdR Photo Credit: Tommy Ton from annadellorusso.com/ website
Gucci spring bag 2011 source: millionlooks.com